Malahat Battery Technologies

Malahat Nation

The Malahat Nation, known in their language as MÁLEXEȽ, is a proud Coast Salish Indigenous community and one of the five W̱SÁNEĆ (Saanich) Nations. Situated between Victoria and Mill Bay on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, their reserve lands are located on the western shore of Saanich Inlet, beneath the mountain range commonly known as The Malahat, one of the most sacred sites on southern Vancouver Island. The Malahat Nation is committed to community development, cultural preservation, and economic growth, emphasizing strong leadership and the empowerment of their members. They are actively involved in initiatives that foster sustainability and innovation, including partnerships with industry leaders to establish operations centers within their territory.

Malahat Nation

Business with Malahat

Community-focused, Malahat sets goals relative to numerous aspects in addition to profit, including respect for Malahat people, culture, Lands, resources, environment, and everything that influences the well-being of Malahat members. The Malahat population is growing, through birth, at a rate of 6% annually, significantly larger than the 1% provincial growth rate. Malahat and its partners focus on youth for all long-term initiatives as they will play a large role in the Nation achieving independence.

Malahat Nation

The Spirit of Youth

A sense of belonging, strong cultural identity, pride for the Nation and access to diverse opportunities will support youth progress, and allow the Nation to thrive through various programs, services, and development, led by its own people. Malahat invites business partnerships where Malahat youth will be supported through mentorship, skills development, community-building, and knowledge sharing opportunities in order to build confidence that allow members to reach for and achieve any goals they wish to pursue.